Why Are Support Groups Beneficial to CAREgivers?

Research shows that participation in support groups helps CAREgivers of person’s with dementia keep their loved ones home longer. When CAREgivers collaborate within a focused group they’re reassured that they are not alone, talking with other people who are on a similar journey is incredibly empowering. Facilitator lead CAREgiver support groups are a resource for information and an exchange of tried-and-true techniques for how to deal with real-life situations.

New York University School of Medicine is conducting a long-running trial called the NYU Spouse-Caregiver Intervention Study to validate strategies for helping families cope with the stress of caring for those with Alzheimer’s disease. The study is the longest running of its kind to date, now in its seventeenth year. Thus far the study has validated that in-depth education, counseling and support utilization by CAREgivers delays the need to place a patient in a nursing home or other residential facility.

The study’s findings also show that properly trained and supported CAREgivers have improved well-being and less depression than CAREgivers without training and support. The NYU findings are consistent with earlier research findings, dating back to the early 1980s which clearly demonstrates the value of CAREgiver training and support.

OPICA has long understood these benefits, our support groups are facilitated by licensed Marriage and Family Therapists and supervised interns who are specially trained to support those learning to cope with the emotional and relational challenges associated with memory loss. Our support groups provide CAREgivers the community they deserve, learn more HERE.

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