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Your Gift Will Make a Difference
Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease that robs one of life’s precious memories, intimate connections, and self-esteem; in essence, it robs you of who you are. But you already know this. What you probably don’t know is how limited the options are if someone you love is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, compounded by the fact that Medicare and/or insurance doesn’t cover many beneficial programs until daily medical attention is required.
With the support of caring individuals like you, those suffering from Alzheimer’s have the option to attend OPICA, an adult day program and counseling center that would otherwise be cost prohibitive for many people. OPICA is unique in that it specializes in care for adults coping with disorders along the entire continuum of neuro-cognitive impairment. OPICA’s creative day care program includes, but isn’t limited to, music, dancing, yoga and art therapy. Its counseling center provides individual therapy and support groups for clients and family caregivers, all of which take place in a nurturing and compassionate environment.
OPICA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID number is 95-3493725