According to research, meditation is the antidote for chronic stress. Meditation on a regular basis resolves many of the emotional and biological consequences of prolonged stress, like that experienced by most CAREgivers.
Research constantly demonstrates that meditating produces activity in the brain that results in decreased anxiety and depression, and increased tolerance for pain. These Alpha waves are increased in effectiveness by the regular practice of meditation, often resulting in reduced feelings of negative mood, tension, sadness, and anger.
A regular practice of meditation also lowers cortisol levels in the blood. This stress induced hormone is toxic to the human body and well known for its part in diseases linked to stress including peptic ulcers, migraines, heart disease and long-term changes to brain structure and function. KNOW MORE, read the full article 9 Rapid Mind-Body Benefits of Meditation.
When you’re caring for someone with dementia, you are less likely to care for yourself. Your needs are real, and left uncared for stress can lead to exhaustion, health problems, and even total burnout. OPICA understands the value of self-care including meditation, and we support your development of a regular practice of care for yourself in our Powerful Tools for CAREgivers class. For more information about this FREE resource click HERE.