Be Prepared for Wandering

Wandering away from home is a common behavior in people with dementia. See how this 15-Year-Old Invents a Sensor to protect his grandpa…

In addition to alarm devices, take these proactive steps to safeguard your loved one and increase your peace of mind:

  • Maintain a schedule of activities for your loved one, which significantly decreases the likelihood of wandering. Pent up energy, boredom or anxiety can all lead to wandering, but are relieved by engaging activities like matching, coloring, listening to music, or folding laundry.
  • Make your loved one a Wearable ID that includes caregiver contact information. Ensure that the ID is always with your loved one by making it a tag on a lanyard, embroider it onto a bracelet, or create a stamp for the inside of clothing.
  • Secure all exits by installing childproof locks and latches on the doors and windows of your home. Many also install alarms or bells at doors and windows to sound an alert when anyone opens them.
  • Establish a sleep schedule that increases the likelihood of predictable awake times. Sleep schedules also support deeper, richer sleep by protecting against too many naps during the day.

Visit our Dementia Support @ OPICA board on Pinterest for more techniques, activities, and information about meeting the specific needs of people with dementia.

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